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Shake & Tremor by Deborah Bacharach

Shake & Tremor by Deborah Bacharach

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The God of Debby Bacharach’s Shake & Tremor wears black leather boots and shaves her head on the day she destroys Soddom and Gammorah—she’s that kind of God. But she’s also all about doing her work—women’s work, which is the work of this book, which means: love and survive. Bacharach builds this book of allegories about the contemporary complications of romantic and sexual relationships around the stories of wives: Sarah and Hagar, Lot’s wife, Potiphar’s wife. But it also is a book of revelations and angels—if by angels you mean what Bacharach’s Hagar means: “Angel is the word I say when I mean/strength of will.”

—Brian Clements, co-editor of Bullets into Bells: Poets & Citizens Respond to Gun Violence

Read a review of this book from The Adroit Journal here.



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